Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Layoffs - general

general questions


  1. What if the employees performance has not changed over many years of service, but newer, younger employees are performing at a much higher rate? If you fire this employee because he is not performing as well as the younger employees, keeping in mind his within-person performance has not changed, is this age discrimination?

  2. What steps must employees and organizations take to overcome the social, internal, and external challenges of an RIF? How can employees be assured that they have rights in these situations?

  3. Do you think age discrimination occurs more because of stereotypes that people hold about older individuals or because they are often getting paid higher salaries as they have been at organizations longer?

  4. I thought the comment in one of the articles about the US being unique in the prevalence of lay-offs. How did this become the case? What factors have influenced this trend in this country and what have influenced companies in other countries not to do this? It must be related to weak labor laws in this country.

  5. When employees are layed off? How likely are they to get money to help with the lack of income or a job? There is a term for this, but I can't think of it.

  6. What influence do you think resource allocation decisions such as executive pay and perks when the organization is experiencing high profits may have on stakeholders' perceptions of fairness when the organization experiences a downturn and must make tough personnel decisions?

  7. I thought a lot of the information in these articles was practical and I can see how it would be very useful in applied settings. What do you think are some future directions for research?

