Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Predictors - interviews - Ellis et al (2002)

The use of impression management tactics


  1. How might organizations account for or train interviewers to identify situations where self-promotion tactics are used? Does the use of self-promotion tactics pose any major problems in the selection system? Couldn’t the use of structured benchmarks help ameliorate any potentially negative hiring effects of overuse of self-promotion tactics in a structured interview system?

  2. I like the idea that the type of questions an interview asks can change the way the applicant behaves, especially in regard to framing the question. In more structured settings, impression management might be more difficult, because of the lack of rapport that we were talking about last class.

  3. Does it seem possible that self-promotion tactics may have a curvilinear rather than linear relationship with positive attributions by interviewers? It seems possible that self-promotion tactics can be over-used and backfire.

  4. What individual difference factors might contribute to people using IM in interviews? Might people using IM techniques be useful for certain kinds of jobs?

  5. What type of interviewer is likely to be a better performer in using IM in interviews? Must they have a moderate or high level of extroversion?

  6. This reality of the use of IM tactics affecting evaluations is another negative for SI in my book as I'm evaluating various predictors. Even if there may be some job relevant information, overall it seems to introduce a lot of error - both to situational questions (more ingratiation) and experience-based questions (more self-promotion)

