Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Interviews 1: Chapman, & Zweig

developing nomological network


  1. I really liked the distinction between selection focused interviews and recruiting focused interviews and how selection focused interviews lead to more structure.

    However, making good applicants want to work at your company is a big part of getting the right people for the right job. How can interviewers find a balance between getting the information they need (a selection focus) and making people want to work there (recruitment focus)? What about the part at the end of the interview where the interviewee gets to ask the questions?

  2. How can organizations develop training to support the use of structured interviews? What might have to change in the company’s culture to enhance the use of these interviews? And how can we help individuals overcome their beliefs that they are good at identifying candidates regardless of the type of interview used?

  3. Interviews are a notoriously uncomfortable situation and are generally unpleasant. How can we make the interview process a less intensive experience? I don't think adding questions and interviewers is really the right answer. Is it the organizations responsibility to make the interviewee more at ease?

  4. Wouldn’t organizational fit seems to be a factor that may be too early decided upon when applicants/interviewees are turned off by the interview process/structure?

  5. I was also struck by the finding that structure can have potentially negative effects on recruiting. I share your concern and question Amy.

  6. Results of this study indicate that applicants are less likely to accept job offers from an organization following an interview in which the interviewer had a selection versus a recruitment focus and was more versus less trained. Why might this be the case? Might these interview/interviewer characteristics be perceived as indications that the organization is less personable and less interested in the applicant as a person?

